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Temple Mine

Temple Mine is located in Rheidol Valley in Mid-Wales. There are three entrances, but only the lowest adit level is accessible as the upper levels lead directly into vertical stopes and are gated for safety. The Mine contains the remains of an impressive angle bob which was driven from a water wheel situated just outside the mine.

Temple Mine is reached by following the faint path (signed "No Footpath") upstream from the west side of Parson's Bridge. The path should be followed over two stiles. Immediately after the second stile turn right and descend the bank by the side of the fenced-off shaft. Once below the shaft turn right and descend to the bottom of the masonry wheelpit structure. The deep adit is adjacent to the downstream side of the structure.

Temple Mine lies within the Coed Rheidol National Nature Reserve and European Special Area of Conservation.

Access to Temple Mine is not permitted the bird breeding season (1st April till 31st July each year) to avoid disturbance. CAL would appreciate mine explorers observing this restriction which forms part of the license agreement.

Temple Mine Risk Assessment

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